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March 3, 2022

Refreshing Whole Reality

by Jim

After allowing this site to go mostly inactive for the last few years, I hope to renew it with a clearer vision. Long-term, I will probably rebuild it from scratch, but in the meantime, hope to use the current version to work out the vision, do some experiments, and share some photography. As a start, here’s a description of the initial path.

Whole Reality is an exploration of the art and craft of spherical photography* and its use to convey ideas and emotion. This is common with some types of standard photography such as fine art, abstract, and so on, but is much less common with spherical photos.

Instead, spherical photos are normally used to provide viewers with a “you are there” experience by allowing them to look around a scene in any direction. Examples include Google StreetView, showing real estate or hotel rooms, and making immersive games. These applications are useful and fun, but still leave plenty of room for new artistic expressions.

As a result, there’s an opportunity for new thinking to develop this capability.

To start with, some existing photography genres use techniques that can be adapted to spherical photography. So a key opportunity is to learn techniques that can be adapted to spheres – the way images are composed to express ideas, how colors and lighting are used to evoke emotion, how symbolism can be used to communicate ideas, and so on. Exploring these ideas in spherical photography involves first understanding and practicing standard photography.

There may also be possibilities that work only with spherical photography. For example, making prints that are not flat, finding ways to experience spheres other than just panning around, and making standard photo prints come alive with virtual content. In fact, the connection between standard and spherical photography is another reason why regular photography is part of this work.

The results may still be beautiful, but also interactive, surprising, eye-opening, and fun. They can encourage us to consider more than just a fixed view, illustrating the value of looking around and paying more attention to the world around us.

While it is valuable to learn to see more, the ultimate goal is to learn to understand more. The vision-expanding nature of spherical photography is also useful for exploring things like the nature of consciousness and self, reality and transcendence, beauty and perception, and connections (especially human). Many of these are ideas that stretch the limits of rational thought and therefore benefit from being explored through art.

Much of this seems to be uncharted territory, so to a large extent it represents a journey rather than a well-known destination. Nevertheless, I hope there are plenty of interesting and useful things to share.

* Also called “virtual reality photography”, “VR photography”, “360 photography”, “Photo Spheres”, and more.

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