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Welcome to my site! This is a place where I’m experimenting with Virtual Reality (VR) photography: learning to make them, and learning to use them to express ideas creatively.

Virtual reality photography captures what you would see in a location no matter what direction you look, rather than from a single perspective as with a standard photograph. These interactive pictures allow you to pan around by clicking and dragging on the picture. You can also zoom in and out by using your keyboard’s Shift/Ctrl buttons, or your mouse’s scroll wheel.

One of the ways I use VR photos is to participate in the World Wide Panorama project. Once a quarter, photographers all over the world go out and take a VR photo related to a specified them. Then they are all published on the projects’s web site ( You can click the “World Wide Panorama” link at the top to see pictures I’ve submitted, or go to the site itself by using links to the right.

In addition, I’m particularly interested in taking VR photos of waterfalls, so that is another category you can sort on, using the “Waterfalls” selection at the top.

Interesting in its own right, VR photography is also a nice metaphor. It reminds us that we need to be deliberate about looking around us, both physically and beyond the physical. Toward that end, I also play around a little with using VR to illustrate eternal concepts. That work is just beginning, but will be gathered under the “Concepts” selection at the top. This short essay explains the idea more.

This site is dedicated to VR, but I’ve also written essays that explore eternal perspectives. They are pictures of what we can see by looking beyond the natural world, using references from science, movies, or whatever else happens to trigger an association. Some are just parables; light, simple stories that illustrate different perspectives. The idea is to promote thought, ask questions, and suggest answers from views beyond natural experience. You can find them in a different blog here.

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