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May 1, 2014


by Jim

This was taken on the Linn Benton Community College campus, and was my entry for the WWP “Crossroads” project.

(Click here to view the interactive picture in a new tab. When it opens, click and drag to look around.)

This VR was taken at the intersection of some walkways at a local community college: Linn Benton Community College (LBCC). The fall 2010 theme for the World Wide Panorama project was “Crossroads”, and this was my entry.

The “Crossroad” theme could be interpreted several different ways, and I attempted to combine two of them in this post. The first was the physical crossroad created by intersecting walkways. Perhaps not very strong or clear, but accentuated by the curved edge along the top and the long hallways. The second interpretation was that of the crossroads of life, sometimes linked to places of education such as this. It seemed fun to combine the two perspectives in one VR.

It turns out that my entire family has been enrolled here in some manner. I took a class at work given through the college, while my wife took a class for fun to sharpen some skills. Our children received college credits for taking advanced high school classes, and one has even attended full-time toward a degree. These diverse examples show the flexibility of such institutions, and how they can contribute to life in many different ways. I like community colleges because they offer easy access to education — one of those things that will bring value for a lifetime.

Photography Notes

Because of the bright outdoor lighting and relatively dim space of the hallways, this picture was taken at several different exposures. They were merged by manually creating masks to combine two different exposures. The result came out better than some HDR processing I tried, but I’m still not happy with the overall contrast and colors. Just need more practice, I guess.

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